Some content on the welcome / gateway page (FAQ section), music page (some music videos), and eye candy page (both slideshows) may contain objectionable content to some viewers, and may be offensive to the most sensitive eyes and ears and are inappropriate to children age eleven and younger and, in some cases, seventeen and younger.  These include the following.  User discretion is advised.

#1.  Foul language (including F--k and S--t).

I don't know if the "S" word is used 162 times though as it is in a particular South Park episode, I haven't counted, lol.  Who knows, I might have summoned a giant purple dragon that a knight has to banish with the Runestone of Undoing, lol

#2.  Mention of mental illness and suicide

#3.  Borderline lewd and lascivious images

Thank you!