Swordhaven Shop
Must have ALL the following in your inventory to access:

Relic Doom Knight Circlet
Requires Level 90, Functions as a Death Knight relic, Requires both a Dragon Amulet and Doom Knight. Must have 15 Timewarped Trophies (from AARGH challenges in the Inn at the Edge of Time) in bank or inventory.
Stats: Block +10, Dodge +10, Parry +10, Crit +12, Magic Def +10, Pierce Def +10, Melee Def +10, WIS +12, END +12, CHA +10, LUK +10, INT +25, DEX +25, STR +25, Bonus +12, All +5, Light +5, Darkness +5, Good +15, Evil +15
Requires following components to Merge:

Plus 10,000 Defender Medals, 3,000 Dragon Merit, and 100 million gold in addition
(once you use the ring, the upgrade naturally counts toward your shop membership requirements)
Assassin's Belt
Requires Level 90
Stats: Crit +10, DEX +40, Bonus +10, All +10
Requires following components to Merge:

Wizard's Belt
Requires Level 90
Stats: Crit +10, INT +40, Bonus +10, All +10
Requires following components to Merge:

Champion's Belt
Requires Level 90
Stats: Crit +10, STR +40, Bonus +10, All +10
Requires following components to Merge: