A lot has changed since I was a low level character! I started playing in 2006 when I lived in metropolitan Orlando, Florida!
I am probably going to sound like a salesman for Artix Entertainment here (even though I'm not, they don't pay me a dime to endorse them, I have paid them thousands to support their games because I deemed it worth it) because they do make it worth it to support the game. I am going to tell you exactly what is worth buying so you can minimize what you spend if you are financially challenged or if you are frugal, if you wish to spend more, that's up to you.
Go ahead and purchase the Dragon Amulet for $19.95. If you intend to have more than one character, purchase the six characters for $29.95. And go ahead and upgrade your dragon coins with an extra 2,000 for $5, it's worth it. If you don't buy it, you will wish you did later.
In addition, purchase the Elemental Unity for $5 as well. This trinket is the best in slot in the entire game once it's fully upgraded, and you will be fighting in wars for defenders medals. Obtain it, and upgrade it!
You CAN purchase a $19.95 package (5,000 dragon coins) or $9.95 package (2,000 dragon coins) before in the meantime, although I recommend you just purchase a 20,000 dragon coin package for $49.95 if you can afford it. Buy it during a 50% bonus sale so you can get 30,000 dragon coins.
There are a handful of seasonal weapons and other gear that are worth it. Not that much, although there are some you will wish to grab for damn sure. There is an overwhelming amount of junk they throw at you that is not worth it, mostly cosmetic items and some shit that, although it does have stats, is inferior to what you can obtain otherwise in the game. Although three items are BiS, and one item that is not is very versitile and useful for a new character just leveling and getting used to the Inn at the Edge of Time. Some cost dragon coins, some cost gold. Be sure to pick them up when they rotate around!
Go ahead and start grinding Riverine Keep. You are on the hunt for a Wings of the Thousand Flames. It will be invaluable, especially in the Inn at the Edge of Time, but until you are level 90, it will be what you permanently wear once you obtain it, as you can equip it as early as level 5.
Best place to grind EXP and gold until you're geared properly is Dr. Voltabolt's challenge (make sure you have a decent energy weapon to make it as fast as possible). Once you're geared to the nines, your best place to grind EXP and gold is the Ninja Arena.
Until you obtain Doom Knight (in two years!), your go-to classes will be Death Knight and Soulweaver, once you obtain them. Or Chaosweaver if you buy it after grinding Soulweaver.
When there is a war, be sure to participate, especially the cannonball once it unlocks, for defender's medals! There are three additional Defender's Medal items besides the trinket that you will need.
Be sure to advance the Book 1, 2, and 3 quest lines! Book 2 is easy and very fast, Books 1 and 3 are longer. They have some decent gear, and unlock areas needed to obtain other gear, food, and 5x potions. Also grind the Maleureous quest line as well. There is a pretty sweet trinket from the Maleureous quest line once fully upgraded.
Level up your potions! You won't get very far in the Arena at the Edge of Time (where some of the best gear in the game is obtained) if you do not!
Every six months, you CAN upgrade a portion of Doom Knight for $19.95, although I would just advise you to wait two years and get it all at once for $65 unless you just need the dragon coins ($19.95 for 10,000 is cheaper than $19.95 for 5,000, it's actually cheaper per DC than 20k per $49.95, but you are limited), you don't get the class until two years in, and that's what you really desire. The gear is good, although you can obtain better gear elsewhere. The class is the best all-around in the game, and 40,000 dragon coins for $65 is a damn good deal on its own even without the class, so the package is an amazing deal! :)
Personally, I recommend highest starting out during a 50% bonus sale (preferably during the month of June) with 6 players for $29.95 with an extra 2k DC's per character for $5 (you never know if you will desire to play another), get the elemental unity trinket for $5, grab the DDASoE, get the 20,000 DC package (becomes 30k) for $49.95, and wait two years to grab doom knight for $65. That's what I personally would do if I were starting today, although I started in 2006, when the year the game came out, I was one of the very first Doom Knights, I became a Doom Knight the night it rolled out. That way, you can pretty much get every thing the game has to offer for $155, unless you decide to max out storage, which is unnecessary. You will never need to purchase anything again, unless, of course, you decide to max out storage.